Monday, August 30, 2021

No one Prepared me for This

I am going to let you in on a little secret. Lean in a bit closer, no one is listening to us are they? I am going to tell you a parenting secret that no one told me when I set off on this adventure called parenthood. And since we are friends, I am going to share this secret with you because it is an important bit of information.

One day your little baby will grow up and leave the house. I know...shocker right?? No one ever told me this! They told me about the sleepless nights after I brought home my newborn, the diaper blowouts, projectile vomiting, the terrible twos, just to name a few. Oh sure, they eluded to some day your child leaving your house, but it was more of an excuse as to why we couldn't currently do something "Oh, the minute my kid turns 18 they are moving out and we will travel again!" or it was a threat to your child when they misbehaved "The minute you turn 18, you are moving out or I will be charging you rent. Then you will know what it is like to be an adult!"

In theory you know that there is a very good possibility that, as your child gets closer to graduating high school, they will consider going off to college. But as a parent you kind of are in denial even as the college acceptance letters come in, and you and the fam go on tours of college campuses. Then the next thing you know, you are finalizing the financial paperwork, and are using your best Tetris skills to fit everything your child will need at college into the car AND still fit all necessary family members. 

Even if you are lucky enough to have a child going to college near by, it is still a life changer. That child that has been by your side every day for the last 18 years will no longer be a bedroom door away. You may find yourself ready to nag your child for the 10th time to empty the dishwasher but then realize, that is your job now because they are off at school. 

We are not the first to let our babies fly the coup, and we won't be the last. I know that doesn't really make it any easier to deal with. Just know you are not alone! Lean on your mom (or dad squads), lean on your partners and coworkers. Maybe you need an emotional support pet (ignore your partner if they veto this option! They are just in denial and don't know what they are saying! You DO need a support pet!

Make sure to still be there for your child, but remember to take care of yourself at all. Together we will get through this!

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Parenting 201: Parenting the Parent

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