Saturday, September 18, 2021

Happy, Sad, Happy Sad....Happy? Sad?

One thing I have come to realize with my new empty nest status is that my emotions are all over the place. One minute I am like "I am so happy for my child! She is going to do such great things!" then the next minute I am like "But did I teach her everything she needs to know? How will she be able to survive out in the world without me!" 

I am happy that I have my house back without some little know-at-all teenager telling me where I should put things and how I should decorate, or you know...think she had a right to channel check and watch whatever she wanted even though I was already sitting down watching something. But I also miss the extra company while watching a silly reality TV show, or the random cuddles I would get while watching said TV show. 

I miss my child's witty comments and silliness, but then the flipside I am enjoying not having someone argue with me about everything. I mean EVERYTHING....every...little...thing. Boy can that girl argue! 

I found myself the other day getting all misty eyed because I was thinking about my kiddo and got sad. Minutes prior I had been all happy and go lucky and then like a flip of a switch....

Sigh....Seriously I think this has been the hardest part of being a parent. Sleepless nights? No biggie! Sick kiddo? Piece of cake! Watching your child become an adult? STRESSFUL!

The back and forth of my emotions had me thinking about a scene from the Disney movie Tangled. I think this pretty much sums it up!

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