Sunday, October 10, 2021

Let's Netflix and Chill

And yes...I know what that phrase really means. And no, this post will not need parental advisory. So, uncover those eyes and remove that cringed look from your face and let's get started.

A few months ago we decided to get rid of our satellite service. For one it was expensive, and two it seemed like, even with 100 of channels, there was never anything on. On top of that, a lot of shows, specials or movies we wanted to watch were on some type of streaming service. With a kid in college and all those new expenses that came with it we decided it was time to say goodbye to satellite.

Which brings me back to Netflix and chilling. In our case, it's just that. We watch Netflix and chill on our couch together. So, what are we watching? Well, we recently finished watching the show Lucifer and then went and re-watched it from the beginning.

Here is what is fun about this show - it has intrigue, romance, comedy, fights and even a bare bum or two (well at least once it moved to Netflix!). It's a show both Chad & I can enjoy. Though the main character may be The Devil, there is so much more to it than that. It's about family and becoming your better self and just how far you will go to protect your child or family.

We had started to watch the show years ago when it was on Fox. Then Fox cancelled it and, thankfully, Netflix picked it up for its last 3 seasons. Due to the lag between seasons because of the cancellation and the reboot on Netflix, it had been a while since we originally started watching it. I had so many questions or things I had forgotten that by the time we got to the final episode of season 6 I was like "I must watch this show again!" And thanks to Netflix...I can!

So like the day after the series finale I was like "I am going to watch Lucifer from the beginning tonight!" Chad walked in and asked me what I was watching. At first, I was a wee bit embarrassed but then he sat down and started watching it with me, and for the next week or so that became our nightly ritual. Some nights, when he was off with a friend or running an errand, I snuck in a few episodes by myself but, for the most part, we re-watched the show together.

Yeah, we probably could have done this even without our kid being off at college but, you know if she was home, she would just roll her eyes and be like "Why are you still watching this? Can I watch something now?"

Streaming shows or movies we want to watch means actually making a conscience decision on sitting down and watching something together. It means dedicating time to that show (and paying attention, especially when Netflix asks if you are still watching!). Do I miss satellite? Maybe just a little because sometimes I would turn on the TV just for the background noise with no real care as to what I was watching. But honestly, I am enjoying spending time with the hubby and finding new shows or re-watching older ones together.

So let's go Netflix and Chill!

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